Archive for august 2012

Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci

23 august 2012

Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci / One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – Oscar, Globul de Aur, BAFTA
Dramă, SUA, 1975
Regia: Milos Forman – Oscar, Globul de Aur, BAFTA
Jack Nicholson – Oscar, Globul de Aur, BAFTA
Louise Fletcher – Oscar, Globul de Aur, BAFTA

5 premii Oscar [9]
6 premii Globul de Aur [6]
6 premii BAFTA [6]

“Dramatizare după romanul lui Ken Kessey, parabolă periculoasă pentru orice establishment denunţînd universul carceral şi alienarea universală a individului. Primul film, de la It Happened one Night, care şi-a adjudecat cele mai importante cinci Premii Oscar.” (Dicţionar universal de filme, 2002)

“Un erou de proporţii supraomeneşti încearcă să reintroducă respectul de sine şi simţul individualităţii într-un grup de dezmoşteniţi înfrînţi şi lipsiţi de personalitate, un conflict simbolic între bine şi rău, dorinţă şi abstinenţă, individ şi autoritate; un coşmar kafkian al omului normal închis printre nebuni; o alegorie politică a revoluţiei împotriva autorităţii, caracteristică Americii anilor ’60.” (J.J. Dawson) (Cinema… un secol şi ceva, 2002)

Roger Ebert: „One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) is on every list of favorite films. It was the first film since „It Happened One Night” (1934) to win all five of the top Academy Awards. […] I was present at its world premiere, at the 1975 Chicago Film Festival, in the 3,000-seat Uptown Theatre, and have never heard a more tumultuous reception for a film (no, not even during „E.T.” at Cannes). […]

Nicholson’s performance is one of the high points in a long career of enviable rebels. Jack is a beloved American presence, a superb actor who even more crucially is a superb male sprite. The joke lurking beneath the surface of most of his performances is that he gets away with things because he knows how to, wants to, and has the nerve to. His characters stand for freedom, anarchy, self-gratification and bucking the system, and often they also stand for generous friendship and a kind of careworn nobility.”